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Healthy Living

Can Your Eyes Change Color?

Can Your Eyes Change Color?

Can Your Eyes Change Colour?

Can eyes change colour (or, for the Brits, can eyes change colour)? Whether they are brown eyes turning green or eyes change colour blue to green, you can lighten eye colour through detox.

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The Potential of Seaweed Supplements for Detoxification

The Potential of Seaweed Supplements for Detoxification

Seaweed Supplements...say what?!

Detoxification and cleanses can be seen all over the Internet.  Detox diets, juice cleanses, the list goes on.  Have you ever thought about seaweed when you thought about cleansing your body of the toxins it has accumulated?  Yes, that’s right, I said seaweed! 

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Ashwagandha Plant

Ashwagandha Plant

What is Ashwagandha

Believe it or not, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in the same family as the tomato, basically, Ashwagandha is a plump shrub with oval leaves and yellow flowers, bears red fruit about the size of a raisin - it is native to the: dry regions of India, northern Africa and the Middle East.  

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The Overnight Colon Cleanse

The Overnight Colon Cleanse

An Overworked Colon

We all sometimes overeat; there are many dangers to overeating, and of course, the most notable danger is morbid obesity, which could eventually lead to death following months or years of pain and discomfort. However, one danger that is commonly overlooked is your colon becoming overworked.  An overworked colon will make you feel bloated, tired, and constipated the day after a binge.

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12 Self-Healing Ways to Heal Yourself

12 Self-Healing Ways to Heal Yourself

A little Cut

That Little Cut

Let’s think about that little cut, if you cut your finger, a month from now would the cut still be there? Or will it have healed up with mostly no sign of it ever being there?

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