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Healthy Living

Homeopathic Remedy for Constipation

Homeopathic Remedy for Constipation

What is constipation?

According to Google, constipation is “a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened faeces”. 

The average person eats three meals a day and possibly snacks in-between, which should ideally produce between 1 and 3 bowel movements each day.

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Achieving a Happy Healthy Life

Achieving a Happy Healthy Life

The Moving Target of a Happy Healthy Life

Who isn’t looking for a happy healthy life?  In a UK health and happiness Survey 2000 men and women throughout the UK  were interviewed, it was found that men consider themselves happier and healthier than women. Men were less stressed or depressed, had less trouble sleeping and didn’t suffer so much from headaches or digestive issues.

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Taking Probiotics

Taking Probiotics

Friendly Bacteria

Friendly bacteria occur naturally in the body, but when levels start to fall and/or the balance of good versus bad bacteria is disrupted, it is important to supplement your levels of friendly bacteria. This can be done in two ways: either through probiotic foods or probiotic supplements.

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Best Foods For Brain Health

Best Foods For Brain Health

Brain Development Food

Some might think that intelligence is something that is set when you are born, and that there is nothing that can be done to affect this. While there is clearly an inherent component to intelligence, it is worth remembering that we use less than 1% of our intellectual capacity. That leaves a huge reserve of untapped potential.

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Fenugreek Sex Drive

Fenugreek Sex Drive

Does Fenugreek increase libido?

The Washington Post reports that researchers found that men taking fenugreek can boost their sex drive by a quarter at least. Fenugreek survived clinical studies unlike asparagus, bananas, and almonds. That means that fenugreek was constantly proven to be effective in its effect when it comes to libido. In the study, 60 healthy men of ages 25 to 52 took an extract of the herb twice a day for 6 weeks. They were surveyed about their libido with a special scoring system to analyze changes. By the end of the period, average libido levels increased by 28%. Placebo participants’ libido actually fell. The logic behind it all is that compounds called saponins inside the fenugreek seed are believed to stimulate the production of male sex hormones, including testosterone. Despite the study being done on only men, both men and women can use fenugreek to improve sexual life, which would invigorate life in general.

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