Healthy Living
Best Foods For Brain Health
Brain Development Food
Some might think that intelligence is something that is set when you are born, and that there is nothing that can be done to affect this. While there is clearly an inherent component to intelligence, it is worth remembering that we use less than 1% of our intellectual capacity. That leaves a huge reserve of untapped potential.
Fenugreek Sex Drive
Does Fenugreek increase libido?
The Washington Post reports that researchers found that men taking fenugreek can boost their sex drive by a quarter at least. Fenugreek survived clinical studies unlike asparagus, bananas, and almonds. That means that fenugreek was constantly proven to be effective in its effect when it comes to libido. In the study, 60 healthy men of ages 25 to 52 took an extract of the herb twice a day for 6 weeks. They were surveyed about their libido with a special scoring system to analyze changes. By the end of the period, average libido levels increased by 28%. Placebo participants’ libido actually fell. The logic behind it all is that compounds called saponins inside the fenugreek seed are believed to stimulate the production of male sex hormones, including testosterone. Despite the study being done on only men, both men and women can use fenugreek to improve sexual life, which would invigorate life in general.
Fenugreek For Breast Milk
Fenugreek Breastfeeding
According to Breastfeeding Support, women have taken fenugreek for increasing breast milk in the Middle East and India since ancient times. Very clearly, it is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs. In fact, fenugreek is a Middle Eastern spice that has been used for thousands of years in curry and chutney. It is also eaten as a salad in addition to being used as an artificial maple syrup flavoring. Not only is it beneficial, but it is also quite tasty. The Washington Post shares that New Yorkers complained of a strange maple syrup aroma in the air years before realizing that it was actually fenugreek. Some even believe that the spice cures fever and relieves arthritis. The name literally means “ram's horn clover.”
Coffee Enemas For Liver Cleansing
What is Dry Brushing? Why, How and When to Dry Brush?
What is Dry Brushing?
What if I told you there's a simple wellness trick that only takes five minutes a day, costs nothing, and helps cleanse your body, inside and out? Dry skin brushing has several health benefits and is so simple to do.