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Healthy Living

Fenugreek For Breast Milk

Fenugreek For Breast Milk

Fenugreek Breastfeeding

According to Breastfeeding Support, women have taken fenugreek for increasing breast milk in the Middle East and India since ancient times. Very clearly, it is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs. In fact, fenugreek is a Middle Eastern spice that has been used for thousands of years in curry and chutney. It is also eaten as a salad in addition to being used as an artificial maple syrup flavoring. Not only is it beneficial, but it is also quite tasty. The Washington Post shares that New Yorkers complained of a strange maple syrup aroma in the air years before realizing that it was actually fenugreek. Some even believe that the spice cures fever and relieves arthritis. The name literally means “ram's horn clover.”

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Coffee Enemas For Liver Cleansing

Coffee Enemas For Liver Cleansing

Coffee enemas have been around since the season of the civil war. Since their introduction amid the late 1800s, they were utilized to help accelerate recuperating following medical procedures or to help ease instances of accidental poisoning.

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What is Dry Brushing? Why, How and When to Dry Brush?

What is Dry Brushing? Why, How and When to Dry Brush?

What is Dry Brushing?

What if I told you there's a simple wellness trick that only takes five minutes a day, costs nothing, and helps cleanse your body, inside and out? Dry skin brushing has several health benefits and is so simple to do.

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What is Detoxification and When to Detox

What is Detoxification and When to Detox

Whаt іѕ Dеtоxіfісаtіоn?

Detoxification іѕ a physiological оr mеdіcаl rеmоvаl оf toxic ѕubѕtаnсеѕ from the body.

Detoxification іѕ uѕеd mеdісаllу wіth drug withdrawal, decontamination оf poison іngеѕtіоn, dialysis, and chelation thеrару. During thеѕе processes tоxіnѕ and toxic chemicals are removed from the bоdу. In the ѕаmе manner, dеtоxіfісаtіоn оr dеtоx diets are uѕеd to eliminate tоxіnѕ that аrе consumed through оur fооd аnd water, inhaled thrоugh thе аіr or confronted within our еnvіrоnmеntѕ.

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