An Overworked Colon
We all sometimes overeat; there are many dangers to overeating, and of course, the most notable danger is morbid obesity, which could eventually lead to death following months or years of pain and discomfort. However, one danger that is commonly overlooked is your colon becoming overworked. An overworked colon will make you feel bloated, tired, and constipated the day after a binge.
Another impact is improperly mixing foods. Improperly mixed foods may well lead to food remaining in your intestinal tract for days, dumping harmful toxins into your system due to putrefaction, fermentation, and going rancid. You really do not want that to happen and it is advisable to take steps to avoid this toxic build-up in your body.
Health Line(1) states that overnight colon cleanse can help with detoxification along with easing irregular bowel movements in addition to reducing the risk of the devastating effects of colon cancer.
In all cases, you need a fast-acting method.

Your Options
Salt water flush is a very simple and effective way to cleanse the colon overnight that is also very safe and does not even require leaving the house. The salt water flush is achieved by dissolving real sea salt in water. Lemon juice, which has natural cleansing properties, can be added to give some taste. The end result is a release of waste, releasing toxins and improving digestion. This is a better method than many drugs, laxatives, and diuretics.
First thing in the morning, mix 2 teaspoons of sea salt with lukewarm water. Drink this water quickly while still on an empty stomach. You will likely need to go to the bathroom within a few moments. Repeat in the evening, and make sure you have constant access to a bathroom the next day as well. Yes, there is a little bit of a sacrifice doing this cleanse, but you will reap the rewards.
You can simply go for regular water and aim to drink six to eight glasses of lukewarm water. Supplement with high water-content foods such as watermelons, and you will be maximizing the benefits.

Herbal teas which contain natural laxatives such as Aloe Vera, marshmallow root, slippery elm, and psyllium may help with constipation alongside the likes of garlic, ginger, and cayenne pepper. All of these also contain antimicrobial phytochemicals and assist with the suppression of bad bacteria. Simply drink many throughout the day and you will notice the healing effects and surely feel better.
One of our favourite teas is Chrysanthemum tea. A recently published study on AAPS(2) journal shows that Chrysanthemum tea possesses strong inhibitory effects against inflammation as well as strong activation of anti-oxidative stress signalling pathways. All of which contribute to Chrysanthemum tea’s overall health-promoting pharmacological effects against diseases including cancer.
Making and drinking smoothies is a system that helps hydrate and keep up regularity. Many are rich in vitamin C which may also help cleanse the colon. Popular smoothies include apple, lemon, and many vegetables such as wheatgrass and carrot. For best results, go for a variety of fresh ingredients to reap all of the possible benefits. Because they include the fruit and vegetable pulp, and sometimes the skin as well, smoothies are better than juice, because they retain the fiber, which is great for the colon.
To maximize the benefits, try doing a smoothie fast for a day, drinking a smoothie whenever you are hungry and/or thirsty, and keep things interesting by trying a new smoothie every time by changing something little. An added benefit according to PubMed Central PMC in a lengthy study (3)by Ph.D. student Cho Eun Seon, dietary supplementation with a carotenoid-rich (carrots, plums, apricots, mangoes, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, cilantro (coriander), collard greens, fresh thyme, turnip greens, winter squash) fruit smoothie causes skin color changes giving us a healthy glow, also, on the other hand, Insufficient intake of fruit and vegetables has been identified as among the world’s most significant causes of lost disability-adjusted life years and is a significant problem in the developing as well as in the developed world(4)
Check out our All in 1 kit to support your Colon Cleanse journey.
An absolute favourite, the coffee enema (5) is widely publicized these days as a part of chronic care naturopathy. It is excellent to stimulate the liver to dump bile by absorption of the coffee into the hemorrhoid veins and the portal vein and to encourage deep cleansing of the colon by stimulating peristaltic activity. It is a regular part of the Gerson Therapy. The coffee enema is prepared by putting 3 tbsp. of the strongest possible organic coffee into 2 liters of distilled water which has just been brought to the boil. Continue the boil for 3 minutes and then simmer on very low heat for 20 minutes. Cool. Strain and inject while at body temperature. Retain for 10 -15 minutes. This can be done every morning when on a detox program or fast, and every hour during an acute healing crisis. The bowels continue to operate independently even when taking the coffee enema regularly and start functioning easily on their own after the coffee enema (6) is discontinued. The coffee enema is recommended after a lymph massage to cleanse the colon of the lymph which has drained into the bowel.
These are all great ways to boost your system and cleanse your colon. But there is an easier and inexpensive way to do so. The Oxy Detox Cleanse is simply two capsules that you take one to four times a day with a glass of juice. No uncomfortable enema’s, no saltwater and no worries. The formula is carefully formulated to naturally maximise effectiveness and is vegan friendly.
Check out our All in 1 kit to support your Cleanse & Detox journey.
(1) How to Do a Natural Colon Cleanse at Home
(3) Published 2015 Jul 17 - Daily Consumption of a Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie Alters Facial Skin Color
(4) Ezzati M, Lopez AD, Rodgers A, Vander Hoorn S, Murray JCL. Selected major risk factors and global and regional burden of disease. Lancet. 2002;360: 1347–60. 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)11403-6
(5) All About Enema Free eBook
(6) Enema Kit
Majdi Shahein | A Detox Specialist with Detoxification Works ®
Awesome! Thanks for all the information and I just placed an order for your Detox Kit! OMG …I am so excited, I cannot wait to put my hands on these supplements!!!!
An eye opener! Really needed to read this at this time of my life! God bless! Oh…I got your Oxy Detox Cleanse! Let’s see…I’ll let you know :)
Awesome blog! Awesome supplements! I am hooked now on your website and your Facebook page! Thanks so much!